2024 2022 2020 2018 2016

61 artists

Third Run Cinema

About the work

THIRD RUN CINEMA is a temporary microcinema curated by Hannah de Feyter. It prioritizes programming experimental, arthouse and classic world films that are otherwise unavailable to view or stream (legally) in Australia, and screening them in a cozy & accessible context.

The pandemic left us exhausted by staring into our small screens, scrolling Netflix, then Stan, then Disney+, then back to Netflix, finding ourselves still somehow unable to choose, bored by everything. Third Run Cinema is an attempt to heal our relationship to screen culture by providing a curated, social experience of The Movies.

Third Run Cinema is also an attempt to move ~experimental film out of an art gallery context — a setting which makes these kinds of film seem lofty & inaccessible, like something you should have Important Thoughts about, or at least need to be in a Serious Mood to approach — and to instead put them into a relaxed, fun bar context. This is because the best way to come to love & understand experimental film (ie. to raise your Viewing Comprehension) is to just to watch a lot of it & have a good time, rather than worrying about whether or not you “get” it. Our motto in this regard is : THERE IS NOTHING TO GET ! THERE ARE ONLY THINGS TO ENJOY !

Third Run Cinema takes its name from the sociological concept of the “Third Place”* and the small, rural “terza vizione”** cinemas that thrived in Italy between the 1950s-1980s.

*(In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home (“first place”) and the workplace (“second place”). Third places are “anchors” of community life and facilitate and foster broader, more creative interaction. In other words, “your third place is where you relax in public, where you encounter familiar faces and make new acquaintances.”)

**During this time there were three “classes” of cinema in Italy: prima visione (first-run theaters, located in the sixteen major Italian cities); seconda visione (second-run houses); and terza visione (third-rate movie houses located in the more rural and industrial residential regions). Films would often open at the prima visione theaters, trying to maximize their box-office receipts, followed by short runs at the seconda visione houses, and only then would be released to the terza visione screens. However, due to the demand for product at the terza visione houses, many cheap local films would often play only there. The audience of the terza visione cinema was more like the television audience than like a prima visionecinema audience. The viewer went to the cinema nearest to her house after dinner, at around ten o’clock in the evening. The programme changed daily or every other day. She would not bother to find out what was showing, nor would she make any particular effort to arrive at the beginning of the film. She would talk to her friends during the showing whenever she felt like it, except during the bits of the film that grabbed her (or her friends’) attention (the film would stop anyway at an arbitrary point for an intermission). People would be coming and going and changing seats throughout the performance.


Third Run Cinema by Third Run Cinema

About the artist

Hannah de Feyter is a filmmaker, curator and musician from Ngunnawal + Ngambri country. Broadly, her practice is Talking About The Movies. Hannah is the director and programmer of Third Run Cinema, co-director of the Stronger Than Fiction Documentary Film Festival, and creator of the online Isolation Film Festival. Hannah’s short films include Draifa (2019) and Diorama (2020), and her work has played at Stronger than Fiction Film Festival, Lit Windows, You Are Here Festival, and Canberra Short Film Festival. With her solo experimental viola project ALPHAMALE, Hannah’s work includes a series of soundtracks for short films with the feminist erotica project A Four Chambered Heart, as well as live scores for silent films highlighting the under-remembered work of women in the early film industry.

Third Run Cinema
  • Third Run Cinema
  • 2024
  • Film
  • Digital