Anna Madeleine and Jessica Herrington
About the work
Weird Weather uses augmented reality to embed digital relics into the natural landscape of the Kingston Foreshore. Visitors are invited to download a mobile phone application and interact with the work through digital drawing and finding animated imagery at site-specific locations. Referencing weather and mapping, it plays with motifs that are often encountered as ‘information’ but that represent ideas that are also experienced on an individual and personal level with memories, stories, and emotions. Through augmented reality experiences, the app playfully explores the increasingly entangled intersection between people’s digital and physical lives.
Weird Weather is a collection of ARartworks that reimagine extreme weather events in Canberra’s history. Visitorsare invited to download a mobile phone application for iPhones and iPads, andinteract with the work through finding animated imagery on site.
Image courtesy of the artists
About the artist
Anna Madeleine is an artist with a PhD in Media Arts from UNSW Art & Design, and a lecturer at ANU School of Art & Design. Through combinations of media, her work re-interprets scientific data, networks and information systems that underpin contemporary culture to explore how technology and personal expression recursively evolve.
Jessica Herrington is an artist producing new media work in AR and VR, and a PhD neuroscience student studying visual perception at the ANU. She is keenly interested in bringing art and neuroscience together to produce cross-disciplinary work and aims to raise questions on the nature of seeing and understanding.
- Weird Weather
- 2018
- augmented reality app for iOS, downloadable from the AppStore
- Digital